
Abstract A description is provided for Pyrenophora avenae . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: Oats ( Avena spp.). DISEASE: Leaf stripe, blotch or spot and seedling blight of oats. Seed-borne infection produces a range of seedling symptoms from pre-emergence death to slight spotting or streaking of coleoptiles. Mycelial infection of emerging leaves causes distortion and spotting. Inoculum from primary leaves causes secondary spread to upper leaves, producing light reddish-brown irregular streaks or blotches. Spikelet drop (42, 543) and stem-break (36, 641) may also occur when the disease is severe. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Widespread; occurs throughout most oat-growing areas. CMI Map 105, ed. 2, 1966, and in addition in Queensland, Egypt, Angola and Colombia. TRANSMISSION: Primary infection appears to be entirely by seed-borne inoculum, either as conidia or more particularly as mycelium in the outer layers of the seed. Secondary infection is by air-borne conidia. Soil-borne inoculum appears to be unimportant.

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