
Surgical resection of the distal stomach impairs gastric emptying. Generally, pylorus and the antrum are removed in the distal gastrectomy, however, the pylorus is removed individually under specific circumstances. We focus on the relation between the pyloric resection and the gastric liquid emptying. The present investigation aimed to explore the pylorectomy how to influence gastric liquid emptying in rats. Pylorectomy and end-to-end gastroduodenal anastomosis were conducted in rats. Electrodes were implanted in the gastrointestinal serosal surface near the stoma. Total stomach, proximal stomach, distal stomach and duodenal liquid emptying, myoelectricities in the gastrointestinal tract near the stoma, and structures were examined with scintigraphy, electrode recording in vivo, and electron microscopy, respectively. Delayed total stomach and distal stomach emptying were found in pylorectomy rats (p<0.001). However, there was no difference in the proximal stomach and the duodenal liquid emptying compared to the controls (p>0.05). The myoelectricity of 3-5 cpm (cycles/min) in antrum and 10-12 cpm in duodenum were found in the controls and no retrograde or antegrade myoelectricities were recorded in the duodenum and antrum. High-frequency myoelectricities (tachygastria) were recorded in the antrum near the stoma (p<0.01), the retrograde and antegrade myoelectricities propagating through the stoma were recorded, and the regenerated interstitial cells of Cajal were found in stoma under electron microscope observation in pylorectomy rat. The gastroduodenal incoordination and abnormal myoelectricity related to impaired contraction in the antrum caused the delayed liquid gastric emptying in pylorectomy rats.

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