
History. —T. R., boy, aged 12, whom I saw, May 30, had high fever with coryza, photophobia, decided bronchial symptoms and Koplik's spots. A diagnosis of measles was made. A rash appeared, June 1; the temperature was 103, pulse 100, respirations 20. Following the eruption the temperature declined, registering 100, June 2. On the evening of this day the temperature rose to 103.4, with an increase of bronchial symptoms and cough and a patchy dulness posteriorly over both lungs but without sputum. At this time the boy complained of slight pain in the abdomen, though examination gave no evidence of any abdominal trouble. On the following day at 3 p. m. he complained of a slight chilly feeling lasting about five minutes. At 4:45 his temperature registered 104.6, pulse 112, respirations 32. At 6:30 p. m. there was another slight chill lasting thirty minutes, following which the temperature was 104,

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