
As video games become more complex and widespread, player experience (PX) testing becomes crucial in the game industry. Attracting and retaining players are key elements to guarantee the success of a game in the highly competitive market. Although a number of techniques have been introduced to measure the emotional aspect of the experience, automated testing of player experience still needs to be explored. This paper presents PX-MBT, a framework for automated player experience testing with emotion pattern verification. PX-MBT (1) utilizes a model-based testing approach for test suite generation, (2) employs a computational model of emotions developed based on a psychological theory of emotions to model players' emotions during game-plays with an intelligent agent, and (3) verifies emotion patterns given by game designers on executed test suites to identify PX-issues. We explain PX-MBT architecture and provide an example along with its result in emotion pattern verification, which asserts the evolution of emotions over time, and heat-maps to showcase the spatial distribution of emotions on the game map.

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