
Summary New empirical pressure/volume/temperature (PVT) correlations for Gulf of Mexico (GOM) oils have been developed as a function of commonly available field data. Correlations have been developed for the following: Bubblepoint pressure. Solution gas/oil ratio (GOR) at bubblepoint pressure. Oil formation volume factor (FVF) at bubblepoint pressure. Undersaturated isothermal oil compressibility. Dead-oil viscosity. Saturated-oil viscosity. Undersaturated-oil viscosity. For the development of correlations, we have covered a wide range of data. More than 100 PVT reports from the GOM have been used in the development of correlations. Two of the published correlations (those of Standing1 and Petrosky and Farshad2) were tested with our GOM data set. Proposed correlations of this study predicted the PVT properties of GOM oils better than the correlations published in the literature, even when the coefficients of the published correlations are tuned. Using the correlations of this study, we have written a simple program that can generate PVT data sets for use in reservoir simulation. Laboratory-measured differential-liberation data for two different oil samples were also compared against our empirically generated differential-liberation data.

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