
Health systems globally are in pursuit of the quintuple aim – better population health, improved patient and caregiver experiences, improved clinician experiences, sustainable per capita costs1 and greater health equity. Patients and their care partners (family and friends who provide care) have unique insights on the quality of healthcare delivery, yet, few organizations are poised to meaningfully integrate these voices into care delivery transformation efforts. Patient experience (PE) data comes in many forms including (and not limited to) structured and unstructured survey data, narratives of patient and family complaints or accolades, adverse event reporting, or qualitative interviews and focus groups. These data are often temporally lagging the patient’s interaction with the health system, rarely includes the voices of equity deserving groups (i.e, individuals who have been historically marginalized and underrepresented in research) and are seldom used for improving care.
 To meet the expectations of patients and care partners, we require a comprehensive, systematic, and sustainable approach to integrating patient and care partner voices into how we reform, design and deliver care.
 Through a scoping review and stakeholder engagements we have highlighted that methods for the collection and implementation of PE data should be multidimensional and have identified four components of a PE Tool-kit (PET) to move from knowledge to action: 1) engage the community meaningfully; 2) identify and curate multiple forms of PE data; 3) aggregate and synthesize PE data; and 4) integrate PE data into quality improvement efforts.
 We are conducting this workshop to further explore domains within our proposed Patient Experience Tool-Kit that resonates with an international audience and identify gaps and implementation considerations.
 The workshop will be grounded by a brief theory burst about the challenges the PET and its components aim to address followed by interactive sessions in small groups to address the following questions:
 1)How will the proposed components support the link between the collection and use of PE data into health system improvement efforts? What tool-kit components are missing?
 2)What are the barriers and facilitators to implementing the PE Tool-Kit?
 Note: we will direct participants to use a sociotechnical systems approach when identifying barriers and facilitators which consists of: people, environment (macro/micro), tools (i.e., technology), and tasks (i.e., process).
 3)What are the considerations/adaptations to consider that will support the Tool-Kit’s adoption across different sectors of the integrated care system?
 Introduction to Workshop/ Overview of Activities – 5 mins
 Presentation of Patient Experience Tool-Kit Components- 10 mins
 Small group discussions to address the three questions (each table to start with a different question)- 30 mins
 Large group activity to report back and synthesis small group discussion, including the l use Mentimeter to capture core insights). The facilitators will summarize key insights and highlight core themes captures in the discussion at the end of the activity – 20 minutes
 Wrap up to assess interest in developing a community of practice for continued learning and sharing- 5 mins

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