
Spielman, in 1944, was studying numerous chemicals for the purpose of devising a new analgesic. In so doing, he synthesized a drug, 3,5,5-trimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione, which is now sold under the trade name of tridione.® He found that besides having analgesic power it was also anticonvulsive. It was immediately used by many physicians for the treatment of epilepsy. Clinically, they observed that it was useful primarily for the petit mal type of epilepsy, and not for the grand mal type. Since 1944 there have been many reports about its usefulness in this syndrome. The purpose of this report is to present a case in which the drug was used, in which a serious complication developed, namely, agranulocytopenia, with exfoliative dermatitis and purpura. To date 3 such cases have been published. All 3 ended fatally, despite prompt and intensive therapy. The patient whose case I report survived. Mrs. R. K. is a 54

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