
Human sperm were highly purified through the use of a discontinuous Percoll density gradient placed in an inner column of a centrifuge tube. Six ml of 80% Percoll solution were poured into a centrifuge tube with an inner column containing successive 1.0-ml layers of 70, 60, and 40% Percoll solutions. Diluted semen was placed on top of the gradient, and the tube was centrifuged at 600 X g for 30 min using a swing-out rotor. After centrifugation, the majority of the progressive motile sperm were isolated in the sediment; they had a mean motility of 93 +/- 4.1% (n = 10). Other cellular components, including bacteria, remaining in the inner column. The level of bacterial contamination in the purified sperm fraction was below detection for most of the species quantified. The purified sperm were found to be more than 92 +/- 3.2% viable, as judged by dye exclusion, and abnormal sperm were reduced to 5.2 +/- 1.4%. Because of the use of the inner column, the contamination by seminal plasma was negligible in the purified sperm, as estimated by residual protein, fructose, and acid phosphatase activity.

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