
The mature 3′-end of many chloroplast mRNAs is generated by the processing of the 3′-untranslated region (3′-UTR), which is a mechanism that involves the removal of a segment located downstream an inverted repeat sequence that forms a stem-loop structure. Nuclear-encoded chloroplast RNA binding proteins associate with the stem-loop to process the 3′-UTR or to influence mRNA stability. A spinach chloroplast processing extract (CPE) has been previously generated and used to in vitro dissect the biochemical mechanism underlying 3′-UTR processing. Being Arabidopsis thaliana an important genetic model, the development of a CPE allowing to correlate 3′-UTR processing activity with genes encoding proteins involved in this process, would be of great relevance. Here, we developed a purification protocol that generated an Arabidopsis CPE able to correctly process a psbA 3′-UTR precursor. By UV crosslinking, we characterized the protein patterns generated by the interaction of RNA binding proteins with Arabidopsis psbA and petD 3′-UTRs, finding that each 3′-UTR bound specific proteins. By testing whether Arabidopsis CPE proteins were able to bind spinach ortholog 3′-UTRs, we also found they were bound by specific proteins. When Arabidopsis CPE 3′-UTR processing activity on ortholog spinach 3′-UTRs was assessed, stable products appeared: for psbA, a smaller size product than the expected mature 3′-end, and for petD, low amounts of the expected product plus several others of smaller sizes. These results suggest that the 3′-UTR processing mechanism of these chloroplast mRNAs might be partially conserved in Arabidopsis and spinach.

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