
A method is described for the preparation of C3d from fresh-frozen CPD plasma. A redissolved EDTA euglobulin precipitate formed from defibrinated plasma is chromatographed on DEAE cellulose. The C3-rich peak is further chromatographed by stepwise elution from hydroxy-apatite. The highly purified C3 and C3b so obtained are then treated with commercial C3b inactivator. G-200 sephadex filtration of this material produces a low molecular weight peak containing C3d greater than 95 per cent purity. The purified C3d, which contains negligible carbohydrate, has a molecular weight of 28,000 (based on SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). When added at a final concentration of less than 70 mug per ml, it completely inhibits the anti-C3d hemagglutinin reactivity of a potent anti-C3d antiglobulin serum but does not inhibit sera with reactivities against C3c, C4b, and C5b. Two of three rabbits hyperimmunized with purified C3d produced antisera exhibiting only anti-C3d precipitin activity. After absorption of heterologous antibodies, the antisera strongly agglutinated C3d-coated RBC, failed to agglutinate RBC glutinated C3d-coated RBC, failed to agglutinate RBC coated only with C4, and reacted weakly against strongly anti-Rh coated RBC. The latter reactivity was readily absorbed by whole IgG. Preliminary studies with 125I-labeled C3d indicate its potential value in assessing potency of anti-C3d reagents.

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