
The complete sequence of a cDNA encoding Amb a II and its relationship to the Amb a I family of allergens has recently been described [Rogers et al. (1991) J. Immun. 147, 2547–2552; Griffith et al. (1991 a), Int. Archs Allergy appl. Immun. 96, 296–304]. In this study, we present results generated with rabbit antipeptide antisera that recognize Amb a II or Amb a I, but not both. The specificity of two anti- Amb a II antipeptide sera, anti-RAE-50.K and anti-RAE-51.K, was verified on Western blots of recombinant Amb a II and Amb a I.1. These two sera, directed against separate regions of the Amb a II molecule, detected three individual 38-kDa Amb a II isoforms on 2D Western blots of aqueous ragweed pollen extract. These Amb a II isoforms have pi in the 5.5–5.85 range and can be easily distinguished from Amb a I isoforms with pI in the 4.5–5.2 range detected by an anti- Amb a I specific peptide antiserum. The Amb a II isoforms have also been individually purified from pollen, positively identified as Amb a II by amino acid sequencing, and visualized as separate bands on IEF gels. An analysis of Amb a II cDNA sequences generated by PCR led to the prediction of three Amb a II isoforms with pI of 5.74, 5.86 and 5.97 that are very similar to the pI deduced from 2D Western blot analysis. Recombinant Amb a I.I and Amb a II have been expressed in E. coli, purified in their denatured form, and examined by ELISA for their capacity to bind pooled allergic human IgE. Purified native Amb a and Amb a II from pollen were shown to have very similar IgE-binding properties. In contrast, Amb a II had a markedly reduced IgE-binding capacity as compared to Amb a I.I. These data suggest that recombinant Amb a I.I and Amb a II, isolated in a denatured form, diner significantly in their IgE-binding properties whereas the native molecules isolated from pollen do not.

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