
Mal63p is a transcriptional activator for maltose fermentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have purified it to homogeneity from a yeast strain in which the MAL63 gene is under the control of the GAL1-GAL10 promoter. Purification included fractionation of a whole-cell extract by ion-exchange chromatography, chromatography using both non-specific DNA-affinity (calf thymus), and sequence-specific DNA-affinity chromatography. Mal63p activity was assayed by its binding to a fragment of the MAL61-MAL62 promoter, using both filter-binding and electrophoretic-mobility shift assays. DNase-I footprinting identified a new binding site (site 3) between the two previously known sites (sites 1 and 2). Mal63p is a dimer, and methylation-protection experiments identify the recognition motif as: c/a GC N9 c/a GC/g.

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