
Patent, or proprietary, medicines for children were frequently advertised in early eighteenth century English and American newspapers. A typical example is the following published in the Flying Post, 1-3 January 1705. Purging sugar-plums for children, and others of nice palates, nothing differing in taste, colour, etc. from sugar-plums at the confectioners, having been experienced by thousands to sweeten and purify the blood to admiration, kill worms, cure the green-sickness in maids, pale looks in children, rickets, stomach pains, King's-Evil, scurvies, rheumatisms, dropsies, scabs, itch, tetters [skin disease] etc., good in all cases, where purging is necessary, doing all that is possible to be done by a purging medicine, being the cheapest, safest, and pleasantest purge in the world, fit for persons of all ranks, ages and sexes. Price 1s. the box, to be had only at Mr. Spooner's at the Golden Half-Moon in Buckle-Street in Goodmans-fields near White-Chapel, with directions.

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