
Return-oriented programming (ROP) and jump-oriented programming (JOP) are two well-known code-reuse attacks in which short code sequences ending in ret or jmp instructions are located and chained in a specific order to execute the attacker’s desired payload. JOP, comparing to ROP, is even more effective because it can be invoked without any reliance on the ret instruction and therefore it can bypass new defense mechanisms against ROP. In this paper, we continue this line of work by proposing Pure-Call Oriented Programming (PCOP). In PCOP, we drive the control flow by proposing special gadgets that all end in a call instruction rather than ret or jmp. We then propose techniques for chaining gadgets that removes the side-effects arise from the call-ending gadgets. The idea of having call-ending gadgets with the term Call Oriented Programming has been noted in some previous work but using call gadgets in these works, due to side-effects of the call instruction, was limited to one or two call-ending gadgets between other ret/jmp gadgets. Our work is the first that shows real code-reuse attacks solely based on call gadgets. We also show that our proposed approach is Turing-complete, meaning that any functionality can be driven by PCOP. We have successfully identified some call-oriented gadgets inside GNU libc library. Our experiments with the example shellcode show the practicality of the proposed approach. Finally, we propose a variant of PCOP named TinyCOP which resists detection by recent code-reuse defense mechanisms.

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