
Round gourd is a squash type cucurbit cultivated primarilyfor its immature fruits. It is also known as ‘Indiansquash’, ‘Indian baby pumpkin’, ‘Round melon’, ‘Squashmelon’, ‘Squash gourd’, and ‘Apple gourd’ (Schippers2004). Its immature fruits fetch high price due to theirdelicious taste and demand-supply gap. The commercialcultivation of round gourd is restricted in North-WesternIndian plains where it is grown during hot and drysummer months (March to June) under irrigatedconditions and in post-rainy season (August to October)as a rainfed crop. However, Mandal and Mohanta (2018)have reported that it can also be successfully grownunder red and laterite soils of West Bengal and haveemphasized the need for developing and testing newvarieties for establishing this crop in that region.

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