
Kimberlites are rare volatile-rich ultramafic magmas thought to erupt in short periods of time (<1 Myr) but there is a growing body of evidence that the emplacement history of a kimberlite can be significantly more protracted. In this study we report a detailed geochronology investigation of a single kimberlite pipe from the Renard cluster in north-central Quebec. Ten new high precision ID-TIMS (isotope dilution – thermal ionization mass spectrometry) U-Pb groundmass perovskite dates from the main pipe-infilling kimberlites and several small hypabyssal kimberlites from the Renard 2 pipe indicate kimberlite magmatism lasted at least ~20 Myr. Two samples of the main pipe-infilling kimberlites yield identical weighted mean 206Pb/238U perovskite dates with a composite date of 643.8 ± 1.0 Myr, interpreted to be the best estimate for main pipe emplacement. In contrast, six hypabyssal kimberlite samples yielded a range of weighted mean 206Pb/238U perovskite dates between ~652-632 Myr. Multiple dates determined from these early-, syn- and late-stage small hypabyssal kimberlites in the Renard 2 pipe demonstrate this rock type (commonly used to date kimberlites) help to constrain the duration of kimberlite intrusion history within a pipe but do not necessarily reliably record the emplacement age of the main diatreme in the Renard cluster. Our results provide the first robust geochronological data on a single kimberlite that confirms the field relationships initially observed by Wagner (1914) and Clement (1982); the presence of antecedent (diatreme precursor) intrusions, contemporaneous (syn-diatreme) intrusions, and consequent (post-diatreme) cross-cutting intrusions. The results of this detailed U-Pb geochronology study indicate a single kimberlite pipe can record millions of years of magmatism, much longer than previously thought from the classical viewpoint of a rapid and short-duration emplacement history.

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