
Femtosecond pump-probe microscopy is used to investigate the charge recombination dynamics at different points within a single needle-shaped ZnO rod. Recombination in the tips of the rod occurs through an excitonic or electron-hole plasma state, taking place on a picosecond time scale. Photoexcitation in the larger diameter sections of the interior exhibit dramatically slower recombination that occurs primarily through defects sites, i.e., trap mediated recombination. Transient absorption imaging shows that the spatial variation in the dynamics is also influenced by the cavity resonances supported within the hexagonal cross section of the rod. Finite element simulations suggest that these optical resonator modes produce qualitatively different intensity patterns in the two different locations. Near the end of the rod, the intensity pattern has significant standing-wave character, which leads to the creation of photoexcited carriers in the core of the structure. The larger diameter regions, on the other hand, exhibit intensity distributions in which the whispering gallery (WG) mode character dominates. At these locations, the photoexcited carriers are produced in subsurface depletion zone, where the internal fields separate the electrons and holes and lead to a greater degree of trap recombination on longer time scales.

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