
The records from 161 identical broadband seismic stations located in different regions of the world after the strong earthquakes off Sumatra Island on December 26, 2004 with magnitude M = 9.1, in Chile on February 27, 2010 with M = 8.8, and the Tohoku earthquake in Japan on March 11, 2011 with M = 9.0 are studied. Oscillations with a period of ~11 h are analyzed. They are observed as pulsations in the free radial oscillations of the Earth lasting more than one week. The stations located a few hundred kilometers apart from each other demonstrate identical records. As the distance between the stations becomes larger, the structure of the records becomes different. At interstation distances of about 3800 km, the records at the stations have opposite phases, and at distances of ~7600 km, the phases coincide. This is reflected in the spatial structure of the areas of the positive and negative phases of the oscillations on the Earth’s surface. This structure recurs at the same time instant after the three considered earthquakes, which indicates that this effect is independent of the properties of the sources. The spatial positions of the areas of positive and negative phases are also not correlated to the geological conditions in the vicinity of the stations which are located both in the subduction zone and within the platform. The structure of the pulsations and their spatial distribution differ from the variations of the Earth’s tides.

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