
HD34282 has been found to pulsate during a systematic search for short-term photometric variability in Herbig Ae/Be stars with the goal of determining the position and size of the pre-Main Sequence instability strip. Simultaneous Stromgren photometry is used in the frequency analysis, yielding two frequencies with values of ν1 = 79.5 and ν2 = 71.3 cycle d −1. The main period, with a value of 18.12 min, represents the shortest period observed up to now for a δ Scuti-type pulsator. A preliminary seismic modelling, including instability predictions and rotation effects, has been attempted. Both, Main Sequence and pre-Main Sequence models predict modes in the range of 56 to 82 cycle d−1 (between 648 and 949 μHz), corresponding to oscillations of radial order n from 6 to 8. The mode identification is not discriminating due to the large error bars attached to the data, therefore, all possible non-radial and radial modes up to = 3 are compatible with the observed oscillations.

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