
Two patients with brucellosis were admitted to the hospital. Diagnosis was based the detection of significantly elevated antibody titter and positive blood culture. The first patient complained of fever, malasie and left sided pleurisy. Chest x-ray revealed a left pleural effusion. Ali of the laboratory tests were negative. An elevated agglutination titter to brucella antigen and positive culture verified the diagnosis. A treatment regiment of rifampin 900 mgr/day and doxycycline 200 mgr was administered. In the tenth day a regression of symptoms were observed, and radiological scene was subsided to normal. Arthralgia and arthritis resolved in 6 weeks. After 8 weeks serum antibody ti ters seemed to be at normal levels. Clinical and serologic relapse was not seen in the next six months. The second patient had a recent history of acute brucellosis. The patient had a complaint of right pleurisy and hidrothorax was detected radiographically. Thoracentesis revealed brucella empyema. Brucella antibody agglutination titer, and positive blood cultures revealed pulmonary brucella infection. Tube thoracostomy and underwater drainage was applied. Following medical therapy clinical and radiological improvement occurred in the first month. Following the second month of therapy serum antibody titers retumed to normal levels .

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