
Chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) and diffuse parenchymal lung diseases (DPLD), including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and sarcoidosis, are associated with a high incidence of pulmonary hypertension (PH), which is linked with exercise limitation and a worse prognosis. Patients with combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE) are particularly prone to the development of PH. Echocardiography and right heart catheterization are the principal modalities for the diagnosis of COPD and DPLD. For discrimination between group 1 PH patients with concomitant respiratory abnormalities and group 3 PH patients (PH caused by lung disease), patients should be transferred to a center with expertise in both PH and lung diseases for comprehensive evaluation. The task force encompassing the authors of this article provided criteria for this discrimination and suggested using the following definitions for group 3 patients, as exemplified for COPD, IPF, and CPFE: COPD/IPF/CPFE without PH (mean pulmonary artery pressure [mPAP]<25 mm Hg); COPD/IPF/CPFE with PH (mPAP≥25 mm Hg); PH-COPD, PH-IPF, and PH-CPFE); COPD/IPF/CPFE with severe PH (mPAP≥35mm Hg or mPAP≥25 mm Hg with low cardiac index [CI<2.0 l/min/m(2)]; severe PH-COPD, severe PH-IPF, and severe PH-CPFE). The "severe PH group" includes only a minority of chronic lung disease patients who are suspected of having strong general vascular abnormalities (remodeling) accompanying the parenchymal disease and with evidence of an exhausted circulatory reserve rather than an exhausted ventilatory reserve underlying the limitation of exercise capacity. Exertional dyspnea disproportionate to pulmonary function tests, low carbon monoxide diffusion capacity, and rapid decline of arterial oxygenation upon exercise are typical clinical features of this subgroup with poor prognosis. Studies evaluating the effect of pulmonary arterial hypertension drugs currently not approved for group 3 PH patients should focus on this severe PH group, and for the time being, these patients should be transferred to expert centers for individualized patient care.


  • Akciğer hastalığında pulmoner hipertansiyonun epidemiyolojisi ve klinik ilişkisi Kronik obstrüktif akciğer hastalığı

  • which is linked with exercise limitation

  • right heart catheterization are the principal modalities for the diagnosis of COPD

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Pulmonary hypertension in chronic lung diseases

Dr Werner Seeger,* Dr Yochai Adir,† Dr Joan Albert Barberà,‡ Dr Hunter Champion,§ Dr John Gerard Coghlan,|| Dr Vincent Cottin,¶ Dr Teresa De Marco,# Dr Nazzareno Galiè,**. KOAH hastalarında PH olması (orta derecede olsa bile) mortalitenin güçlü bir göstergesidir ve ortPAB ve/veya pulmoner vasküler direnç ile sağkalım arasında ters ilişki vardır.[2,6,7] ortPAB> 25 mmHg değerlerinde, KOAH hastalarında 5 yıllık sağkalım oranı sadece %36 olarak bildirilmiştir. Yakın zamanlı bir çalışmada ortPAB ≥40 mmHg olan KOAH’lı hastalarda, egzersiz sonunda, dolaşım rezervinin kaybolduğu (düşük mikst venöz oksijen satürasyonu ve azalmış kardiyak debi/oksijen tüketim oranı eğrisiyle saptanmış) solunum rezervinin korunduğu (düşük arteriyel PaCO2 ile gösterilmiştir), gösterilmiştir.[39] Zıt olarak, PH’ı olmayan ve orta dereceli PH bulunan KOAH hastalarında dolaşım rezervi korunmakla birlikte (ortPAB 31 mmHg) solunum rezervi kısıtlanır (egzersiz sonunda arter PaCO2’nın artışı). Grup 1 (PAH) ve Grup 3 (Akciğer hastalığın bağlı PH) PH arasında ayırıcı tanı

Normal oksijen nabzı
KOAH ve akciğer fibrozisi için öneriler
Altta yatan hastalık
PH yok PAH tedavisi önerilmez
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