
Hydatid cyst disease induced by Echinococcus granulosus is a parasitic disease known since ancient times. Today, it continues to be seen in many countries and creates serious problems. The lung is the second most frequently affected organ by hydatid cysts after the liver. Lung involvement is more prevalent in children than adults, and the growth of the cyst is faster in children. Hydatid cysts are mostly seen in the right lower lobe of the lung. Common symptoms are chest pain, cough, and shortness of breath, with the most diagnostic symptom being the expectoration of cyst fluid or membranes. In endemic areas, the diagnosis of hydatid cysts can usually be made easily by clinical findings, serology tests, and radiological findings. When the hydatid cyst ruptures and becomes complicated, it is clinically and radiologically confused with many diseases, especially lung cancer. Surgery is accepted as primary treatment of lung hydatid cysts all over the world. The surgical approach is related to several factors such as the size of the cyst, whether it is intact or complicated, unilateral or bilateral, solitary or multiple, and the presence of destruction of the lung parenchyma. Although it is stated by some surgeons that capitonnage is not required, the most frequently applied surgical technique is cystotomy and capitonnage. Pulmonary resection should be avoided as much as possible, particularly in children. Albendazole or mebendazole treatment in pulmonary hydatid cyst is generally used after surgery and to prevent recurrences.

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