
The purpose of this bicentric case series was to report the safety, efficacy, and clinical outcome of transcatheter embolization in pulmonary artery pseudoaneurysms (PAPAs). Between January 2016 and June 2021, eight patients with PAPA were subjected to transcatheter embolization. The total number of patients was eight, of which five were female, with a mean age of 62 ± 14 years (average ± standard deviation). Etiology was traumatic in 2/8 cases and iatrogenic in 6/8 cases (after positioning a Swan-Ganz catheter in 5/6 cases and a temporary pacemaker in the latter case). In a single case, the PAPA was incidentally discovered during a routine X-ray, in the remaining 7 cases, the procedure was performed in emergency settings. PAPA embolization was performed using detachable coils alone in 3 cases; coils and glue in 1 case; coils, glue, and vascular plug in 1 case; coils and non-adhesive liquid embolic agents (Onyx and Squid respectively) in 2 cases; and non-adhesive liquid embolic agent alone (Onyx) in 1 case. No peri-procedural or post-procedural complications were recorded. Both the technical and clinical success rates were 100.0%. In conclusion, endovascular embolization is a technically feasible and safe therapeutic option for patients with PAPAs.

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