
Congenital malformations of the lungs are rare and vary widely in their clinical presentation and severity, the etiology is unknown in 50% of the cases and its prevalence is 0.5-1.0 for every 10,000 live births, including bilateral forms And unilateral. Clinical malformations are highly variable and can be diagnosed in early childhood due to severe cardiopulmonary dysfunctions. Congenital malformations represent about 11.2% of infant deaths in Brazil, being the major cause of mortality in this category. Understanding diagnosis is a process permeated by concerns. For this reason, important research is done in the area in order to broaden the knowledge about the conduct of health professionals, in relation to the patient with congenital malformation and among them the lung agenesis must be specific and of quality. Thus, nurses play a fundamental role in establishing the quality of care provided with the aim of improving the clinical picture and minimizing the risk of complications to the patient.

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