
Introduction. The benefits or risks of egg consumption have been a challenge for researchers in identifying the most effective methods for evaluating micronutrients and, implicitly, the nutritional properties of eggs. The purpose of this work was to highlight the comparative nutritional properties of eggs from hens with similar productive yields through innovative methods, such as FT-IR spectra. Methods. This paper aimed to determine the omega 3 fatty acid (O3FA) content in eggs. In this study were used eggs from four different breeds of laying hens: Lohmann Brown, Isa Brown, Australorp and a hybrid breed. The eggs were collected daily, and their evaluation was carried out at an interval of 24 h after collection. For the calibration of the measurements, the Omacor product whose omega 3 content was evaluated by the National Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices from Romania was used as a reference standard. Results. The study supports that there is a significant difference in the polyunsaturated FA and saturated FA content between eggs of various hen breeds. Conclusions. The composition of egg contents differs in terms of micronutrients both at the level of the egg white, yolk and shell, depending on the breed of the laying hen. This experiment can support the idea that eggs with a lower atherogenic potential can be recommended based on the chicken breed.

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