
The purpose of this research is to determine if n-3 PUFA and flavonoids (catechins and quercetin) reduce biomarkers of inflammation in human epidermal keratinocytes. The current goal examined how anti-inflammatory n-3 and pro-inflammatory n-6 PUFA altered fatty acid composition and PGE2 production in cultures of epidermal keratinocytes HEK001 and HaCaT. In expt I, HEK001 and HaCaT cells were treated with three levels (5, 10, and 25 μM) of individual PUFA (LA, LNA, AA, EPA, or DHA). In expt II, both cell lines were treated with combinations of AA:EPA and AA:DHA at ratios of 3:1, 2:1, 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 at a constant concentration of 12 μM. In expt III, the effects of PUFA enrichment on PGE2 production and the uptake of tea catechins were evaluated in HEK001 cells. Epigallocatechin gallate was found in cells administered with 10 μM of catechins after 3 hr. Analysis showed that these cells were extremely low in essential fatty acids. Enrichment with linoleic or linolenic acids did not significantly increase their respective 20 C PUFA. All 20 C PUFA treatments resulted in a dramatic and consistent elevation in the PUFA used for the enrichment following a graded response. AA treatment consistently elevated PGE2 production in HEK001 cells. The PUFA levels used here are physiological and should be tested in vivo.

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