
We have presented 2016 average cases of labor, with a morbidity of but 3.6 per cent. These patients were delivered by interns with but our routine preparation of the outside field, and without any attempt to disinfect the vagina. For our iodine we hold no brief, but I believe that conservative obstetrics, with minimal interference, is the best protection against puerperal infection. Our series is small; possibly more figures would increase our morbid rate, perhaps not. I feel sure that somewhere lies the irreducible minimum. The whole question of vaginal antisepsis is still an open one. Although excellent results have been unquestionably obtained, coincident with the use of merenrochrome, there is grave doubt of its value as a sterilizing agent. The widespread use might give a false sense of security to those whose obstetric judgment is outdistaneed by their desire for rapid delivery.

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