
To evaluate the puerperal complications following twin deliveries. We conducted a population-based analysis of puerperal delivery-related complications of twins born in Slovenia for comparing three groups of births (vaginal, elective and emergent cesarean). A total of 1,001 elective, 1,109 emergent cesarean sections, and 2,204 vaginal twin births were evaluated. No differences were found between the complications after emergent and elective cesareans. Uterine atony was more frequent after vaginal births (OR 1.8-2.0, 95 % CI 1.1-1.2, 2.9-3.3). Vaginal births had a higher frequency of endometritis compared with elective cesarean (OR 4.1, 95 % CI 1.2, 13.6). Conversely, vaginal deliveries were less frequently associated with anemia, hematoma formation, and need for blood transfusion as compared to both modes of cesarean deliveries. No solid data exist to show a clear advantage or disadvantage in terms of puerperal complications of an elective cesarean over vaginal birth for twins.

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