
In this paper we examine the role attributed to the ethnic lords in the literary and legal works written and promoted by Francisco de Toledo. To this end, we first present the theoretical framework in which Toledo's thought is inscribed. Then, we analyze three sources: two of literary type that are compared among themselves, the Parecer anonimo de Yucay and the Relacion sumaria de lo que se contiene en la informacion de la tirania de los yngas; and one of juridical character, the Ordenanzas. The confrontation of these three documents lets us emphasize an image of the ethnic lords loaded with ambivalences and contradictions. We reach the conclusion that the image conveyed by these documents and the role assigned to the ethnic lords, besides being framed within a strategy that legitimizes the sovereignty of the Crown, are part of a personal maneuver in which Toledo tried to justify his reforming mission before the critical voices that were raised against him.

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