
This paper morphologically describes rusts (Pucciniales) collected from the Bignoniaceae family in Colombia and deposited in the Museo Micológico at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín campus. The identification of species was conducted with a light microscope, using freehand scrapings and cuttings of the affected plant material. Following the morphometric analysis and an exhaustive bibliographic review, a new species of Pucciniales (Canasta amphilophii), a new combination of Pucciniales (Prospodium delostomae), a new variety of Pucciniales (Prospodium appendiculatum var. colombiana) and 2 new species records for Colombia (Prospodium aculeatum and Prospodium trinidadense) are described. New morphological characteristics are also provided for previously described species, and knowledge of the life cycles and geographical distribution of the species is augmented. A taxonomic key to Prospodium and Canasta from Colombia is added.

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