
Introduction. Effective functioning of transport infrastructure is a basic condition for modernization of the Ukrainian economy and improvement of the quality of life of the population. Currently, there are no effective tools and techniques for comprehensively assessing the effectiveness and priority of project implementation within public-private partnership (PPP) models.The research hypothesis is to find out how public-private partnerships can act as an effective tool for government regulation of innovative development of transport infrastructure.The aim is to conduct a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the efficiency of the implementation of projects in the field of transport infrastructure using PPP models.The methodology of the study is the apparatus of system, economic and statistical analysis, construction of mathematical models, with their subsequent computer implementation.Results: clarified the concept of public-private partnership in the field of transport infrastructure; systematic analysis and classified models of PPP were carried out with identification of their main features; identified the main factors and parameters (financial and economic characteristics of the projects) that determine the effectiveness of PPP in transport infrastructure and proposed algorithm for evaluating the effectiveness of PPP projects; performed research on the ranking of characteristic risks for transport infrastructure projects, performed ranking of characteristic risks; a mathematical model of risk assessment of PPP projects in transport infrastructure has been developed; practical recommendations are given to improve the mechanism for assessing the efficiency and priority of implementation of transport infrastructure development projects based on PPP.Conclusions: it is proved that ranking and implementation of public-private partnership models on the basis of the developed basic principles (payment, competitiveness, equality of all economic agents in access and in the right of PPP contract negotiation) allows to realize the benefits of a comprehensive PPP mechanism for each of its participants. The practical recommendations of the mechanisms for assessing the risks and priorities of PPP projects in the field of transport infrastructure will improve their implementation by further shaping the overall environment of PPP development, enhancing the support and guarantees of the state and developing a unified concept of PPP mechanism development in Ukraine.

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