
Aim: The publication of theses is the main indicator in revealing the scientific efficiency of a country. To the best of our knowledge, the publication status of pharmacology specialty theses has not been reported before. The aim of this study is to evaluate the publication status of medical pharmacology theses published by the departments of medical pharmacology of medical faculties in our country between 2006 and 2016 in scientific journals. Methods: A total of 108 pharmacology residency theses published between 2006 and 2016 and registered into the system from all Medical Pharmacology departments of all medical faculties in our country, as accessed from in Higher Education Council National Thesis Center's Internet database (https://tez.yok.gov.tr/ulusaltezmerkezi/), were included in this observational study. These theses were analyzed and evaluated in terms of the year they were written in, the institution in which they were prepared, the academic title of the thesis advisor, research type, its publication status in scientific journals, publication features, author's gender and other features of the author of the thesis. Results: As a result of the research conducted, it was found that 61 (56.5%) of the 108 pharmacology specialty theses written between 2006-2016 had been published in the scientific journals. Forty-seven (77.0%) of these publications were published in a medical journal with Science Citation Index (SCI) / Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI-E) indexes, 9 (14.8%) in other international indexes, 3 (4.9%) in TUBITAK TR index and 2 (3.3%) in national refereed journals. Conclusion: The rate of publication of the residency theses written after the completion of medical pharmacology residency training and publication as articles in the journals within the scope of SCI / SCI-E was quite high.

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