
This article is devoted to the analysis of public tax control in the Russian Federation. The paper substantiates the role and place of the institute of public control as the most important legal guarantee for the implementation and protection of not only constitutional principles (first of all, the principles of democracy and participation of Russian citizens in the management of state affairs), but also the entire system of human and civil rights and freedoms, as well as the rights and legitimate interests of public associations and other non-governmental non-profit organizations. The authors analyze various points of view in domestic and foreign educational and scientific literature on the concept, content and limits of public tax control in Russia. The article formalizes and substantiates the authors' definition of the concept of "public tax control". The article uses a number of scientific research methods: formal-logical; comparative-legal; historical-legal; statistical; sociological; financial analysis; method of analyzing specific legal situations. The organization and implementation of public tax control in the Russian Federation are associated with numerous problems: the lack of consolidation of the institution of public tax control in the country's Constitution and current legislation; insufficient elaboration in the Russian scientific legal doctrine of the concept, content, limits of public tax control, a list of specific forms, methods and types of its activities; lack of subjects of public control (including subjects of public tax control) real powers; insufficient level of development of financial, property, organizational and legal base of subjects of public control; lack of specialized subjects of public tax control; weak use of foreign positive experience in organizing and implementing tax control of civil society institutions; lack of consolidation in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation of measures of increased legal responsibility for countering legitimate activities of representatives of subjects of public tax control. The article develops and substantiates a system of measures to resolve these problems.

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