
Citizens right to get information on legislation products is very important, but it has not maximally met yet. The way getting all informations of law products has not been implemented optimally either in central government or local government. System of The Law Documentation and Information Network (JDIH) which has been pioneered since 1972 needs to be developed continuously, along with information technology development in Indonesia. That situation needs to be done because of the global world changes and everyting changes very fast. In addition, now citizens has already accessed to modern technology, increasingly demanded that the government can provide quality services quickly, accurately and objectively. As a new area, South Tangerang City must implement public service innovation especially in the field of law. The innovation of The Law Documentation and Information Network (JDIH) has been created by South Tangerang City. JDIH has published many informations of law products as one of public service innovation in South Tangerang City. This study aims to analyze the public service innovation on JDIH in South Tangerang City. This study uses qualitative method with descriptive approach. Data were collected through depth interview with Head of Division and staffs of Division and some citizens. Then, it has been completed by collecting secondary data. The results of this study conclude that South Tangerang has created the JDIH Website which aims to publish all law products in South Tangerang City. Citizens can access the website but sometimes it’s rather slow in opening the website. Currently JDIH Tangsel already has had a mobile app that can be downloaded either in the Play Store or the App Store. However, many citizens who lived in the suburbs of South Tangerang City and couldn’t use the online technology advances have not yet access to the JDIH Website.

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