
This paper examines the possibility of Public‐Private‐People partnership (4P) model as a way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from residential developments. The case project focuses on the energy system design as a part of urban planning. Based on the case experiences, the paper presents a 4P framework for low‐carbon residential development systems. The theoretical model was tested in one specific case project, Nupurinkartano. The major findings were that the 4P framework is a relevant tool for decreasing carbon emissions when planning a new development; the applied solution delivered an energy system design that could reduce the CO2 emissions of the development by 75%. Based on literature this paper suggests that a new development should be viewed as one system instead of several different subsystems. The paper concludes by suggesting that 4P offers an alternative approach for urban planning, specifically energy system planning, and it can deliver significant improvements in carbon efficiency. Santruka Šiame darbe nagrinejama galimybe viešojo ir privataus sektoriu bei žmoniu partnerystes (angl. Public‐Pri‐vate‐People Partnership ‐ 4P) modeli taikyti kaip būda mažinti anglies dvideginio emisijas gyvenamuosiuose rajonuose. Pasirinktame projekte daugiausia demesio skiriama energetikos sistemos projektavimui, kuris yra miestu planavimo dalis. Remiantis atvejo patirtimi, darbe pristatoma 4P struktūra, skirta mažai anglies dvideginio išmetančioms gyvenamuju rajonu sistemoms. Teorinis modelis išmegintas pasirinkus konkretu projekta Nupurinkartano rajone. Padaryta išvada, kad, planuojant nauja rajona, 4P struktūra — tinkama priemone mažinti anglies dvideginio emisijas. Pritaikius ši sprendima buvo parengtas energetikos sistemos projektas, CO2 emisijas rajone galintis sumažinti 75 proc. Remiantis literatūros šaltiniais šiame darbe teigiama, kad nauja rajona reiketu traktuoti kaip viena sistema, o ne kelis skirtingus posistemius. Darbas baigiamas teigiant, kad 4P — tai alternatyvus miestu, ypač energetikos sistemu, planavimo būdas, galintis suteikti galimybiu veiksmingai mažinti anglies dvideginio emisijas.


  • Cities grow worldwide, both within their juridical borders and as commuter sheds of several independent municipalities. Kennedy et al (2007) defined the situation where no single entity defines the rules for urban growth by term ”commuter shed”

  • This study is based on two propositions: First, that the traditional urban planning process does not effectively meet the carbon challenge of residential development; and second, that the new residential development could be viewed as a system in order to reduce the carbon emissions

  • This study rested on two propositions: First, that the traditional urban planning process does not effectively meet the carbon challenge of residential development; and second, that the new residential development could be viewed as a system in order to reduce the carbon emissions

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Both within their juridical borders and as commuter sheds of several independent municipalities. Kennedy et al (2007) defined the situation where no single entity defines the rules for urban growth by term ”commuter shed”. Kennedy et al (2007) defined the situation where no single entity defines the rules for urban growth by term ”commuter shed”. There are urban planning processes that weigh different aspects of planning, such as house type, housing volume, traffic system, infrastructure, services, and many more, and create new residential developments. Traditionally neither of the previous growing patterns considers urban planning process as a single system but as several, often linear, non-related sub-systems and processes, which typically include strong barriers between the responsibilities of the public and private sectors and between municipalities and inhabitants (Healey, 1998; Väyrynen, 2007). Ayres (1994) introduced the idea of metabolism in this context.

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