
US federal conservation programs, including the National Resource Conservation Service’s Wetland Reserve Program (WRP) and the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program (PFWP), partner with private landowners to conserve and restore wetland habitats. Despite the success of these programs in terms of wetland area enrolled, uncertainties exist as to whether they are meeting their stated goals, including the restoration of wildlife habitat. In the St. Lawrence Valley of New York State, we investigated two questions related to WRP and PFWP wetland restorations. First, was whether restorations provide habitat for wetland-associated wildlife, including Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) prioritized by the New York State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP). Second, was whether restorations support wildlife assemblages that are comparable to natural reference wetlands. Bird, anuran, turtle, snake, and fish species assemblages were surveyed at 47 WRP and PFWP restorations, and 18 natural reference wetlands. We detected 31 SGCN at restorations, including SGCN from each assemblage surveyed. Assemblage metrics, including species richness and relative abundance, did not differ between restored and reference wetlands for any of the assemblages surveyed. These results indicate that restorations provide habitat for SGCN and other wetland-associated wildlife, and that assemblages at restorations are similar to those at natural reference wetlands. We conclude that WRP and PFWP wetland restorations in this region are meeting federal program-level goals related to the restoration of wildlife habitat, and are contributing to the recovery of SGCN.

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