
This paper analyzes the knowledge, attitudes, and practices associated with the management of plastic consumption in Kang Meas District, Kampong Cham Province. It describes the negative environmental impacts of plastic consumption and advocates for improved plastic waste management in rural areas of Cambodia. A cohort of 235 households in Kang Ta Noeng and Roka Ar communes was selected to participate in this research. A significant correlation between plastic consumption and indicators such as household income was found. For instance, the higher the household income, the more plastic that each household consumed. To reduce plastic consumption, an adaptation study is required to set an appropriate price for plastic bags that may be enforced by small businesses. Littering on the road or in other public places such as rivers or canals was found to be driven by people's behaviour and lack of knowledge. Households demand better support to meet national policies for waste management, collection and disposal. It is recommended that the management of plastic waste is improved by 1) awareness-raising about issues linked to plastic consumption to improve the attitudes, behaviours and practices of local people 2) the designation and provision of waste disposal sites by local authorities, including community campaigns to manage plastic waste on a commune or village basis, 3) supporting a policy to discourage the use of plastic bags nationwide by charging a fee for their use, 4) providing sufficient budgets for local authorities properly collect and separate plastic for recycling, and 5) include knowledge about the management of plastic consumption in the school curriculum to raise awareness and plastic consumption from an early age.

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