
* I should like to thank Samuel Krislov, Otto N. Larsen, Walter F. Murphy and S. Sidney Ulmer for helpful reactions to an earlier draft I am also indebted to my students who conducted the interviews, and to the Pacific Northwest Research Computer Center for providing facilintes to analyze the data. I James W. Prothro and Charles M Grigg, Fundamental Principles of Democracy. Bases of Agreement and Disagreement, Journal of 'Politics, May, 1960, pp. 276-294, Herbert McClosky, Consensus and Ideology in American Politics, American Political Science Review, Vol 58 (June, 1964), pp 361-382. Robert Lane's Political Ideology (New York The Free Press of Glencoe, 1962), although not based on survey research, certainly must be considered to be a major work on thls problem See also V. 0 Key, Jr, Public Opinion and American Democracy (New York Knopf, 1961), ch 3 'Warren E Miller and Donald E Stokes, Representation in Congress (Englewood Cliffs, N J Prentice Hall, 1965), John C Wahlke, Heinz Eulau, William C. Buchanan, and Leroy C. Ferguson, The Legislative System (New York Wiley, 1962). 'This study is by James W Prothro and Donald R. Matthews. A number of

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