
This study examined the public perception of climate change impact on human health risks in Trans Amadi area of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. An in-depth questionnaire on public perception of climate change and possible implications on human health was administered to participants within Trans Amadi area of Port Harcourt and their corresponding responses were analyzed and discussed. Demography of respondents showed 44% are male while 56% are females. On the educational level of respondents, the survey showed that 3% had just primary school education, 41% had up to secondary school education, 52% had acquired tertiary education and just 2% had non-formal education or are uneducated. Survey on respondents understanding and perception on climate change showed 85% - 93% response on awareness; 77% completely agreed that climate change poses a threat for the people around the world and that climate change is caused by human activities and the global temperature has changed compared to previous decades; 59% of the respondents somewhat agreed that the temperature within Trans Amadi region has changed drastically while 44% believes that climate change is only because of the pollution from industries within the area. A preponderance of the respondents (78%) strongly believed that climate change impacts most on vector borne diseases / infectious disease; 75% strongly believed that it causes shortage in food supply, 57% strongly believed it causes air pollutants while 45% strongly believed it impacts heavily on storm and flooding. There was a generally high awareness of the causes and effects of climate change among the respondents. Therefore compliance to reduce emission of gases that lead to global warming should be enforced in all areas and sectors of the economy and green approaches should be adopted in all that we do as humans.

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