
Background: Regional economic development necessitates a complex process involving various initiatives and collaboration between the government and the local community to enhance employment opportunities and community welfare. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the trade sector, mainly traditional markets, which have experienced a decline in the number of traders and turnover. Traditional markets, which play a crucial role in the distribution of local products and the provision of employment, need help with management and must compete with modern shopping centers. To sustain and enhance the competitiveness of traditional markets, professional management and revitalization are required, adhering to health, hygiene, and safety standards. Additionally, adaptation to digitalization is essential despite posing challenges in maintaining the traditional characteristics of these markets. Success in managing traditional markets necessitates active participation and collaboration between the central government, local government, the private sector, and the community. This reflects the concept of local governance, which involves multiple actors in addressing local issues. Research Methods: This study employs a qualitative descriptive method to analyze public participation in managing traditional markets in Bengkulu City. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with stakeholders, including market traders, market managers, and local government officials. Direct observations were also conducted to understand the market management dynamics better. Data analysis was carried out thematically to identify patterns of participation and the factors influencing them. This approach allows the researcher to explore the experiences and perceptions of market participants and identify barriers and opportunities for enhancing public participation. Theoretical Review: This research draws on the theories of public participation and local governance in managing traditional markets. Public participation involves the active engagement of the community in the decision-making processes that concern their interests. This theory emphasizes the importance of information openness, transparency, and commitment from all parties to achieve optimal outcomes. Meanwhile, local governance refers to managing public resources by local governments involving various stakeholders such as the community, the private sector, and non-governmental organizations. This approach highlights the importance of collaboration and partnership in creating market management more responsive to community needs. By understanding and applying the principles of these two theories, it is expected that the management of traditional markets can be more effective and sustainable, especially in facing challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Result and Discussion: This study employs a descriptive research design with a qualitative approach. Data were collected through interviews, field notes, and other documents. This research aims to comprehensively and thoroughly understand the phenomenon of public participation in the management of Panorama Market in Bengkulu City from the perspective of local governance: the research procedures involved snowball and purposive sampling, triangulation of data collection, and inductive data analysis. In this study, the researcher was directly involved in the research setting through both field observations and social interactions with the research subjects. The qualitative method was chosen because the research problem still needs to be clearly defined, and sufficient data must still be provided. This method allows for a broader and deeper depiction of the social processes being studied. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that public participation and local governance play crucial roles in managing traditional markets, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Collaboration between the government, the community, and the private sector is critical to effective and sustainable management. By applying the principles of public participation and local governance, the management of traditional markets can be enhanced to face future challenges better.

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