
Knowledge of oral cancer affects early detection and diagnosis of this disease. This study aimed to assess the current level of public knowledge of oral cancer in Khartoum State, Sudan, and examine how demographic background factors affect this knowledge. This cross-sectional study involved 501 participants recruited by systematic random sampling from the outpatient records of three major hospitals in Khartoum State between November 2012 and February 2013. A pretested structured questionnaire was designed to measure knowledge levels. A logistic regression model was utilised with demographic background variables as independent variables and knowledge of oral cancer as the dependent variable. A path analysis was conducted to build a structural model. Of the 501 participants, 42.5% had no knowledge of oral cancer, while 5.4%, 39.9% and 12.2% had low, moderate and high knowledge levels, respectively. Logistic regression modelling showed that age, place of residence and education levels were significantly associated with knowledge levels (P = 0.009, 0.017 and <0.001, respectively). According to the structural model, age and place of residence had a prominent direct effect on knowledge, while age and residence also had a prominent indirect effect mediated through education levels. Education levels had the most prominent positive effect on knowledge of oral cancer among outpatients at major hospitals in Khartoum State. Moreover, education levels were found to mediate the effect of other background variables.


  • :‫ منهجية‬.‫معرفة العامة من النا س عن سرطان الفم في ولاية الخرطوم بال سودان و مدى ت أثير العوامل الديموغرافية على هذه المعرفة‬

  • 42.5% had no knowledge of oral cancer (OC), 5.4% had a low level of knowledge, 39.9% had a moderate level of knowledge and 12.2% had a high level of knowledge [Table 2]

  • Comunian et al found that the association between education and OC knowledge levels was not statistically significant; the study investigated a population with a high base level of education—professors, students and administrative staff at a university.[18]

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:‫ منهجية‬.‫معرفة العامة من النا س عن سرطان الفم في ولاية الخرطوم بال سودان و مدى ت أثير العوامل الديموغرافية على هذه المعرفة‬. ‫ م شترك ًا تم إختيارهم بوا سطة العينة النظامية الع شوائية من سجلات العيادة الخارجية للثلاث‬501 ‫ا ستهدفت هذه الدرا سة الم سحية‬. ‫ وتم إ ستخدام الإنحدار اللوج ستي بحيث كانت العوامل الديموغرافية هي متغيرات م ستقلة و م ستوى المعرفة‬،‫لقيا س م ستوى معرفة العامة‬. ‫ أو ضحت نتائج الإنحدار اللوج ستي أن العمر و مكان الإقامة و م ستوى التعليم لديهم ت أثير ذو دلال ٍة معنوي ٍة على م ستوى المعرفة عن‬،‫الفم‬. ‫ كما أثر م ستوى‬،‫الأكبر على م ستوى المعرفة عن سرطان الفم ضمن مرتادي العيادات الخارجية في الم ست شفيات الرئي سية بولاية الخرطوم‬

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