
BACKGROUND: In Indonesia, the Law on Long-Term Development Goals and the implementing regulations, namely the Health Law and the Food Law and their implementing regulations have stipulated nutritional adequacy for all ages including toddlers to prevent stunting. However, stunting still occurs, including in Pati Regency, Central Java Province. AIM: This research aims to know and evaluate the stunting program from the Pati Regency, Province of Central Java, Indonesia and to found the solution. METHODS: This is empirical (non-doctrinal) legal research which aims to analyze the public health-based local government policy in tackling the stunting problem in Pati Regency. RESULTS: The results of the study indicate that there are eight stages of convergence actions from the public health-based local government policies to accelerate stunting prevention in the Pati Regency. However, the stunting prevention policy as a form of legal protection for children has not succeeded in reducing the stunting prevalence rate in this regency. CONCLUSION: The conclusion of this research is beneficial to become an input for the Pati Regency Government, Central Java Provincial Government in formulating and evaluating stunting prevention policies in their areas.

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