
The committee presents herewith the data for the last academic year indicating the number of students taking courses leading to degrees in public health. Table I indicates the institutions offering such degrees, the number of candidates and the number of degrees granted. These data have been obtained by correspondence, and we have tried to make them complete. Table II indicates the total number of various public health degrees granted in the United States and Canada during 1924. Data collected by the United States Public Health Service indicate that during the past two years correspondence and reading courses in public health have been conducted by seven state departments of health and by six universities. A review of the nature and extent of these courses will be found in Puiblic Health Reports for August 22, 1924 (Vol. 39, No. 34). The data presented in Table III indicate the number of students taking one or more courses in public health at summer schools conducted by institutions offering such work. The interest in summer school courses in 1924 was stimulated by the Public Health Service, which selected four universities of the United States to which

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