
This project goal is to assist the Municipal Heath Office of Padada in its daily operation in terms of collecting and facilitating data through its client satisfactory survey forms. There are two systems deployed which is the Web portal and Mobile application. Web portal is the medium to assist municipal health office administrators in reviewing the submitted data and its results coming from the clients who are using the mobile application, modification of the existing details of the programs and services and posting important announcements. The mobile application is utilized by the clients, in medium of submission, the clients can receive announcements posted by the administrators for information dissemination, review the programs and services that is being offered in the health office and the easy access on giving its satisfactory rating and comments. The app was created with through Java (React Native Framework) and JavaScript(ReactS, NodeJS) and with Firebase product and its tools. To obtain final feedback and validate whether or not the desired output was successfully materialized, various testing methods were used. Test cases and results were made and disseminated. The findings indicate that the system passed the testing phase and met the users requirements. Moreover, using the Web portal and Mobile Application, these applications provide user with a quick, easy-to-use and efficiently facilitating results from the collected data coming from different users and automated sending of satisfactory rating and comments

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