
Background: Health is both an input and an outcome of broader social and economic development. It is alsowell known that achievements in health do not simply depend on the health sector, other than arise out ofimprovements in education, standard of living, social stability, housing, water supply, sanitation and otherenvironmental factors. These are amenable to change by actions taken by households, communities andgovernments and are typically outside the domain of the health system.Objective: The present paper attempts to estimate the extent of public health expenditure in India and TamilNadu over the period under review with reference to five-year plans.Methodology: The particulars regarding the total plan investment outlay, health and family welfareexpenditures in India and Tamil Nadu have been collected from the published source which is presentedbeneath the respective table. To carry out the research, straightforward tabular statements were prepared forworking out the percentage and average value.Conclusion: From the analysis, it’s evident that the total expenditure on health and family welfare of thecentral and state government shows a steady increase over the plan periods. It’s clear from that the planoutlay on both the health and family welfare has increased from first plan (1951-56) to twelfth plan (2012-17) in absolute terms. However it has been always low sharing to the total plan investment outlay of thecountry. In Tamil Nadu, almost in all the plan periods, the approved outlay was less than incurred actualexpenditure.

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