
The three buildings that are important in a country where there is a strong and powerful with a strong role for the national and international arena can be first, economic structure can be the second. Political structure and the third social structure public policies are developed according to the condition of these structures. Therefore, after analyzing these structures can only be applied. Turkish economy is growing. Turkish economy is the second fastest growing economy after China. In contrast, there are positive developments in foreign trade relations. The great reduction in the foreign trade deficit and current account deficit has created an opportunity for Turkey to manage its foreign exchange supply without the IMF. In spite of the global recession, owing to the preparedness of Turkish banks and their effective management of the recession, the country is far from being afflicted with a financial crisis. Turkey which political stability in the last decade, became one of the few countries of the world, which was not much negatively affected by the global crisis. Turkey was the country with most rise in employment during the crisis in G-20 (developing countries) countries. Economic stability is at the forefront of many political stability Administration policies The difference of opinion forms unity atmosphere in the low and upper level of administration can be an effective analysis in the event that synthesizes the understanding of modern administration. One of the important socio-economic consequences of the liberalization and globalization of Turkish economy in the aftermath of2002 has been the expansion of industrialization and central-local industrialization nodes Today, in many countries, as an important indicator of the level of economic development and social development, the size of the structure employment and unemployment is discussed. one of Turkey's most important social and economic problems is unemployment. Reductions in unemployment in the last policy was applied. The mission of the AKP management is to build a movement for an economic system that prioritizes the well-being of people the new economic models which developed from economic and social structure on faced by our society. In response to this need, a New Economy structure is emerging, drawing together the people and the vision to meet the challenges of our time. The New Economics structure is a national leader’s politics within this movement, acting at the nexus of a powerful network of organizations working collaboratively toward the same goal: to rebuild our economic system on the pillars of resilience, justice and sustainability. In order to accomplish this, it must been continued to build a professional and effective nonprofit development strategy, identifying the opportunities to partner with foundation sand individual enterprising to make our vision a reality. Conscious community is increasingly aware of and supportive of new conscious ideas and programs, but there is still tremendous opportunity to engage with potential resource and build understanding of the need for an economic system that works for people welfare. The people in this position will be responsible for working closely with staff to build development strategies. Current Trends in administrative steps are: ∞ Persons and institutions tasks and responsibilities ∞ Privatization ∞ Managerial methods of public administration ∞ Common sense ∞ Participatory management (citizen-oriented) The success of administrator in the administration can be evaluated according administrator’s success and ability in the problem solving. Since, the success criterion that reveals administrator talent is ability of problem solving. The duty of administrator solves the problems appears impossible. The modernization of

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