
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate environmental conservation in Kayunga District with an aim of establishing the contribution of the Rio Summit of 1992 and the implementation of subsequent international environmental conventions to Kayunga District’s environmental conservation.
 Methodology: The study used descriptive survey design. It employed both primary and secondary methods of data collection. Oral interviews and county reports provide important sources of primary data. Data from secondary sources were gathered mainly from written works and internet materials.
 Findings: The findings of this study revealed the Rio Summit of 1992 and the subsequent international environmental conventions have shaped environmental conservation mechanisms in Kayunga District.
 Conclusion: The study concluded that environmental awareness programs cut across all sectors of society in Kayunga District.
 Recommendation: The study recommended that the departments involved in environmental conservation should therefore team up and develop a more structured environmental education programme and jointly coordinate the programme through a committee to make valuable use of the calendar environmental celebration days.

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