
PUBLIC AWARENESS ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING IN HYDERABAD, INDIA by Vani S. Rao This study addressed public perceptions and awareness about global warming in India through a survey of 851 subjects in the city of Hyderabad in the year 2007. A stratified sample of nine segments of society showed that, although people consider global warming a serious problem, they do not clearly understand its causes, impacts, and solutions. The analysis of data using paired T-tests indicated differences in levels of awareness about global warming, across age and education. ANOVA and regression analysis suggested that levels of awareness among respondents varied according to their occupation. The degree of seriousness with which subjects viewed global warming influenced the degree of their support for eco-friendly initiatives. The level of education of subjects was correlated with variations in their perceptions about global warming and support for environmentally friendly initiatives. However, subjects associated global warming with the issue of air pollution. They showed a tendency to advocate action by society and government rather than by individual initiatives to address the problem. Based on these findings, policy makers can tailor awareness initiatives, highlighting the seriousness of the problem and the measures that could be taken at the individual level. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank the Government of India for this sabbatical and giving me a grant to pursue the Master’s Degree in Environmental Studies. I am very grateful to my Chair, Prof. Katherine Cushing, for providing focused advice and guidance throughout the thesis writing process. My professors, Dr. Asim Zia, Dr. Thomas Rickenbach, and Dr. William Russell gave valuable advice with regard to statistical analysis, designing the questionnaire, and other aspects of my research. I sincerely appreciate the help I received from several members of my family, well-wishers, friends, and colleagues in Hyderabad, without whom I could not have obtained the sample of 851 respondents. I would also like to thank my parents Mohan and Shobhavathi, my husband Narasinga, and daughter Mahika, for their patience, support, and encouragement during this academic venture. Lastly, I am indebted to my friend, Kristin Hageseth-Michels, who provided invaluable help and encouragement at every step of the thesis submission process.

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