
Introduction: Public and health professional involvement (PHPI) is essential in healthcare research yet uncommonly integrated into systematic reviews. We incorporated and evaluated PHPI in a mixed methods review of occupational therapy for self-management of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods: Public partners were living with or caring for someone with RA. Our steering group comprised two public, two professionals (one occupational therapist, one rheumatologist), and one reviewer who planned the review’s PHPI (August 2021). Involvement was evaluated from public and health professional (PHP) perspectives using a survey and workshops (August–October 2022) exploring reasons for involvement, challenges and learning opportunities. Results: Alongside the steering group, 16 public and 6 professionals were involved throughout the review. Five public refined the search strategy, with three assisting in subsequent review activities. PHPs helped interpret findings during three public ( n = 12) and one professional workshop ( n = 4). Three occupational therapists and one public co-authored (ED) publications. In evaluation, PHPs felt valued and that their involvement was well-integrated. The researchers underestimated the time required for communicating and conducting PHPI in the review. Conclusions: PHPI is worthwhile, feasible and can be integrated within a systematic review. PHP partners considered participation valuable; researchers must prioritise time to prepare and communicate PHPI activities.

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