
Abstract : Today's complex, cyber-powered global information environment presents formidable challenges for the military. Facing the certainty of intrusive media and an overload of information, the military has elevated the importance of two related battlefield functions: public affairs (PA) and information operations (IO). PA serves as the military-media interface, tasked with the role of facilitating media coverage of military operations. In doing so, PA fulfills the obligation to keep the American people informed, and helps to establish the conditions that lead to confidence in America's military. 10 has a different purpose. It encompasses a wide range of offensive and defensive capabilities aimed at achieving information dominance over an adversary. Department of Defense joint doctrine identifies PA as a key related I0 activity. But the relationship between the two is problematic. On the one hand, PA deals with the public release of factual information. On the other hand, I0 may deal with false intentions, as an element of military deception or black propaganda activities. By association alone, actual or perceived I0 to manipulate public information could jeopardize the credibility of concurrent PA media relations, and potentially damage the credibility of the overall military mission. It will be the purpose of this study to further examine this 10-PA relationship under fire in Bosnia, as the initial I campaign there confronted multiple non-cooperative and IO-capable adversaries. Through this examination, the study will make a determination as to whether PA and I0 are integral or incompatible military functions. Additionally, the study will look at initial feedback on I0 and PA in more recent operations involving Kosovo. Based on these sets of experiences in the Balkans, the study will conclude with recommendations for a future direction for joint and service I0 and PA doctrine.

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